why doctor don't suggest cotton ear buds to clean ears??


 The doctor said,

Avoid using cotton ear buds to clean your ear because they damage your hearing. When you clean your ears, after you experience the pain in your ears, you definitely must go to a doctor in case you miss it. It can cause pain, bleeding and hearing loss. Cotton buds can damage your inner ear because it's very sensitive. 

How to clean your ears

Create a cleaning solution with an equal amount of water and hydrogen peroxide, turn your head to one side and use ear drops to clean the ear canal or use a clean cloth or clean tissue. Do frequent washing experts advise that you only clean your ears every two to four weeks. The best time for cleaning the ear is showering time. Ear wax is water soluble, so always use warm water to clean your ear and don't forget to clean the ear after using a headset or ear buds when there is too much wax in the ear. It can be removed by a doctor using a small curved tool called a CURET.

Symptoms of a blocked ear 

  • Feeling of fullness in the ear.
  • Earache.
  • Hearing loss.
  • Dizziness.
  • Cough.
  • Itchiness in the ear 

If you have regular blocked ears or if they are ongoing for a long period of time with the above symptoms, take medical assistance or be examined by authorized ear specialists

Ear wax protects the ears 

Ear wax is formed for a reason. It protects your ear canal from dust and bacteria or microorganisms and foreign particles. It also lubricates the skin of your ears and prevents inflections due to its antibacterial properties.(please don't remove excessive ear wax because it causes dryness in the ear and it leads to ear infection and bacterial damage. 

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